
At first glance Victor Bregeda's painting Perspective is a still life with a clay flask, a silver plate on which is a chunk of pale yellow cheese, and five golden apples with one red apple.

On closer examination, we see the figure of Christ standing on the balcony of his house in an attitude of prayer. God's face in the draping fabric appears to be asleep. The water flask is actually Christ's dwelling place. A ladder leads up to the front door and there is light within, and droplets of water (the Water of Life) dripping from its mouth. There are ladders in many of Victor's paintings to represent the evolution of consciousness.

Far off in the night sky we see that famous image of the Earth - The Blue Planet - taken from space. Christ appears to be appealing to God on behalf of the people of Earth to help save our planet which is now in peril. Humankind are so caught up in their mundane lives that they have lost perspective on the deleterious effect they are having on the beautiful planet that supports them. This is a heart-felt appeal.

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 by Victor Bregeda

VICTOR BREGEDA - Perspective - 20 x 20 inches - Original Oil on Canvas